Canon T70 35mm camera with a Canon nFD 70-150mm f4.5-5.6 zoom lens - film tested!

$ 35.00 $ 45.00

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A film-tested Canon T70 camera with a Canon nFD 70-150mm f4.5-5.6 zoom lens. 

I love this camera! It's a kind of an underdog among Canon film cameras, maybe because of its funky 1980s design, but it has a number of great features that other cameras lack, including both average and partial metering modes. Partial metering is a kind of spot metering where the light meter only reads the light within a circular area in the middle of the viewfinder. This is fantastic for metering for shadows, for example, under tricky backlighting situations. The other big bonus is that if you hold the shutter release down halfway, it will hold your meter reading, so you can meter for the shadows, then reframe, keeping your meter reading, and then shoot. That's a big improvement in my eyes over cameras that have a separate meter compensation button to overexpose by a stop or two. Like the Canon AE-1, you have to lower the T70 from your eye to check the actual f-stop if you're shooting in full manual exposure mode. But the meter hold feature makes the camera a much better shooter for automatic exposure modes, in my opinion.

The camera is in good cosmetic condition with a little normal wear. The foam light seals have not been replaced, but I didn't see any light leaks in my test roll.

The zoom lens is in good cosmetic shape, but it has not been film tested (the photo in the listing was taken with a different lens). The front element has some light scratches, the rear element has some small smears, and there's some dust visible inside the lens when a light shines through from behind. I've seen fine results from lenses with much more dust, but again, this lens has not been tested with film.

I haven't tested the camera with a flash.

Batteries not included, but the camera takes standard AA batteries.

Disclaimer and Return Policy

Some vintage camera lenses were manufactured with thorium, which makes them slightly radioactive. Unless otherwise noted in the item description, to the best of our knowledge, the lenses sold through this store were not made with thorium. But since manufacturers have not released comprehensive lists of lenses with thorium, we cannot guarantee any lenses are thorium free. Customers should educate themselves and make their own decisions before purchasing. 

Products are sold as-is and in no event shall Greg Pak Shop, Greg Pak, or Pak Man Productions be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages to property or finances or life whatsoever arising out of or connected with the use or misuse of these products.

Greg Pak Shop will accept returns of cameras or lenses within 14 days of customer receipt, with customer paying for return postage. Cameras and lenses must be in the same condition they were received by the customer to be eligible for return.

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